Sage, an herb belonging to the mint family like basil, thyme, oregano, and rosemary, is one of the primary herbs and has many promising health benefits. This green space is available and taken in various forms such as in its fresh form, dried, and/or, as an essential oil. Due to its strong flavor and aroma, it’s taken only in small amounts. But even if it’s only taken in such small doses, so to speak, its sage benefits are still essential.

For instance, a teaspoon of sage is high in nutrients especially Vitamin K including Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, while low on calories and carbs. In addition, sage benefits include being high in antioxidants, helps reduce blood glucose, lower bad cholesterol, and even aid in fighting some forms of cancer.

Lastly, it is very easy to add sage to one’s diet so you can ingest its healthy benefits effortlessly. Add it to your soups, sauces, and dishes, as a seasoning to add flavor, for example. It can also be purchased as a supplement and tea.

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