Deepak Chopra is a world-renowned Indian endocrinologist. Despite having a traditional academic background of excellence, Chopra is recognized as the great precursor of Ayurveda in the United States and the main leader of the New Age spiritual current.

The physician also excels in writing, having sold millions of books on quantum physics, spirituality, mental power, and alternative medicine. Through his, work Chopra has promoted the practice of yoga, meditation, and healthy eating to live better.

Chopra, 74, is the world’s foremost spiritual disseminator. He advocates the idea of introspection so that each individual can find true happiness within himself. He believes that the human body is an energetic network that we ourselves can control for the better through a powerful positive mindset.

This means that we human beings are solely responsible for our lives and not external circumstances. In fact, the physician asserts that reality is a product of mental perception, therefore subject to subjective interpretation.

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