Esther Hicks Inspirational Speaker is sometimes credited using the name Abraham Hicks. She is not only a motivational speaker but a well-known writer. She has co-authored nine books with Jerry Hicks, her late husband.

Esther appeared in the book-based movie, The Secret. Her work is the original material on which the Law of Attraction, as explained in The Secret, is based. It has helped thousands of individuals change their lives and achieve their dreams through practices related to these beliefs.

Esther Hicks has presented numerous workshops on the Law of Attraction and how it works. During these workshops, she goes into detail on how to practice at home what you learn during the time spent with her.

She has had an astounding impact on the public and those who attend her presentations. Individuals who have not been able to attend these events can find much of the details in the books she wrote with her husband, as well as other similarly written works.

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