Reiki is a form of alternative healing that originated in Japan. It has its origins in ancient Tibetan Buddhism but was brought to the forefront of as an alternative healing therapy by Japanese doctor Mikao Usui in the 19th century. Eventually, reiki found its way to the Western World through the followers of Dr. Usui.

It is thought to work by the practitioner directing healing energy through his own body to the patient’s body. Today, there are many thousands of reiki practitioners around the world.

Does it work? It is hard to say if the practice of reiki can help to heal the body. However, there are many reiki healers that have have achieved astonishing results. If we are all made of energy, and reiki is a form of alternative healing using energy, perhaps it does work.

When you are considering alternative healing, it is always best to consult a qualified practitioner. If one type of alternative healing does not work for you, perhaps there is another form that will. It is all about finding out what works for you.

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